#The100DayChallenge - Day 1

Blogging…something I want to do, and need to do, but cannot for the life of me get motivated to do. I mean, scroll down. It’s been almost exactly one year since my last post!

So this year, 2024, I’m embarking on the #The100DayProject (check out the hashtag on insta to learn more). This is a creative challenge to spend 5 to 10 minutes per day working on a creative project. 

My goals for this year’s challenge are to develop a blogging habit while shaping a business plan for a brick and mortar Cloth, Paper, String Craft Studio and retail shop. My daughter Jamie is on board and we are slowly working through the administrative processes to make this dream a reality. 

The first prompt for #The100DayProject is to define our creative containers. For me, creative projects that are personal, practical, and easy to replicate or produce are the best. My creative hobbies help a lot with relaxing my mind, whether to reduce anxiety, or stop the overthinking at the end of a long day. My creative hobbies also produce things I can use. Whether it’s a sweater, a quilt, or a card to send, everything I make has a use and a purpose. 

I think my creative hobbies also help me professionally. In my day job, I’m fairly good at noticing patterns (of behavior, of activity, etc), I’m good at problem solving, and I can do almost any task without a lot of instruction or experience. I’m also not a perfectionist. Done is better than perfect in my world, but my work is pretty darn good. All of these skills that help me excel at work can be attributed to things I’ve learned through my creative hobbies. 

What do your creative hobbies contribute to your life? 


Day 4 - St. Croix


Oh Baby, We Are So Ready For You!!